Commercial radio ad revenue up 8.8% in April 2022

Commercial Radio Australia has released its April figures today, showing commercial radio ad revenue in positive territory, rising 8.8% compared to April 2021. 

Ad revenue for the five major Australian capital city markets totalled $56.184 million during the month compared to $51.636 million a year ago.

Chief executive officer of CRA, Ford Ennals, says the growth is thanks to post-pandemic rebounds in the community and election advertising.

“The April commercial radio revenue shows sustained and strong growth. With Australians out and about again, we’ve seen a wide range of business sectors rebounding such as travel, leisure, entertainment events and live music, resulting in higher levels of commercial radio spend,” said Ennals.

Melbourne stations reported a 13.7% year-on-year increase in ad revenue to $18.761 million in April compared to last year. 

Perth stations were also strong with a 13.3% increase to $7.443 million. 

Sydney was up 6.9% to $16.862 million, and Adelaide rose 5.4% to $5.046 million, Brisbane stations increased 0.9% to $8.072 million.

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