Big movers: Nova’s Jase & Lauren rise to #2 in Melbourne FM Breakfast


As the Melbourne radio wars move up a gear, there’s cause for celebration at Nova HQ, with Jase & Lauren now the city’s #2 FM Breakfast show.

The Nova 100 team of Jase Hawkins, Lauren Phillips and Clint Stanaway increased 0.9 share points in GfK Survey 4 to 9.6, with a whopping cume of 651,000.

Nova’s Group Program Director Brendan Taylor says this latest book reflects all their hard work, as well as the genuine connection Jase, Lauren and Clint have with their audience.

“We’re obviously thrilled for Jase, Lauren, Clint and the entire team.”

“We’ve stayed the course and are seeing these early rewards in today’s results.”

It’s the first full book for Kyle & Jackie O since their Sydney show was networked into Melbourne.

The KIIS Breakfast figure didn’t budge from the last survey and remains steady at 5.9.

ARN’s Chief Content Officer Duncan Campbell says “Despite their 25 years on air together, The Kyle & Jackie O Show is still a brand-new show for Melbourne, and we are encouraged by these early results.”

“We know it will take a few more surveys before their presence truly starts to resonate with the Melbourne audience but we’re excited to build on this foundation and are confident that Kyle & Jackie O will continue to capture the hearts of Melbourne listeners just as they have in Sydney.”

Still, the champagne corks are popping at ARN, with Gold 104.3’s The Christian O’Connell Show maintaining top spot in FM Breakfast.

The team of Christian O’Connell, Jack Post and Patrina Jones still the only Melbourne FM Breakfast show in double digits, moving from 10.4 to a 10.8 share.

Smooth FM Breakfast with Mike Perso enjoyed another solid result, up half a percentage point to 8.6.

3AW Breakfast with Ross Stevenson and Russel Howcroft dropped a percentage point to 18.8 but remains the clear leader overall.

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Colin Wood
9 Jul 2024 - 10:36 am

Melbourne know exactly who Kyle and Jackie O are. They’ve made their choice.

gerald optikins
9 Jul 2024 - 10:44 am

Stayed the course? They’ve only been there for a couple of surveys… ? Really did the hard yards.

9 Jul 2024 - 10:50 am

Jase and Lauren is a 5-6 share show as Nova will find out when they turn off the big money contests and the marketing.

Mark Spenzer
9 Jul 2024 - 11:16 am

Gerald… Stayed the course means, keep with the strategy and keep with the show’s identity which had been building before the switch over to nova.
Also Thomas, I don’t think I would discount them just yet! Its a more relatable show to me than KJ, and if lasting bonds are made between these personalities and people in melbourne cars, it will be binding. I would say keep investing in Jase because he has what it takes to turn a trick on Kyle. And get him on the tele for godsake, anything at all. “its a knockout” comes to mind…

Tiny Tim
9 Jul 2024 - 12:15 pm


So staying the course from what others were doing….. right makes total sense.

9 Jul 2024 - 7:31 pm

Love it. Jase & Lauren keep showing an upward trend. And life clockwork, they get roasted in the comments.

Everyone keeps predicting they’ll lose. Still waiting.

Thomas, if it was the money, then KIIS giving away $400k should mean ratings. Or maybe like Duncan Campbell said, it was the Taylor Swift tickets.

Gerald and Tiny Tim, they’re staying the course doing what works with their talent and skill. Being relatable. Have you even listened, no didn’t think so.

How is the flat 5.9 going for KIIS?

9 Jul 2024 - 7:55 pm

It’s not the first full survey for KJ… next survey is

10 Jul 2024 - 7:06 am

Hey MM, I could be wrong but i think that was actually Survey 3 that KJ started halfway through. This is Survey 4 and they have been there the whole time. But correct me if I’m wrong on that.

10 Jul 2024 - 2:50 pm

MM can’t correct you Sam because you’re right. They started 3 weeks into Survey 3. They used the excuse they didn’t have a full survey last time.

I believe Duncan Campbell said it best after Survey 3:
“…Next survey, it’s 8 out of ten – a far more robust result. My view is that the cume will now settle, hopefully, and we’ll build from here. I think Nova’s results today will be short-lived.
If [the gap between Nova and KIIS widens], which I don’t think it will, then we’d have to ask some questions.”

10 Jul 2024 - 7:03 pm

Bruce, you said it. 8/10. Next book is their first 10/10. They’ve flattened out and will grow. Ppl cheering for disaster are getting way too ahead of themselves.

Love seeing what’s going on with J&L though, much deserved!

11 Jul 2024 - 7:59 am

K&J started 29 Apr. That was the 3rd week of S3. I presume, unless they were too tired and needed a break, they were on air right through until at least 21 Jun. Thats 3/5 weeks from S3 and 5/5 weeks for S4.
So 5.9 for 3/5 in S3. 5.9 with 48K larger cume for 5/5 in S4. BTW, Byron Cooke filling in on KIIS breakfast rated 6.4 in survey 2.

I’m a listener, not part of the industry, and I can see that ARN definitely made the wrong choice. I’ve not listened to KIIS since J&L last show. I’d still like to listen to W&W on drive, but, I’m refusing to change the dial to them. Most Melburnians – seemingly – are doing the same.

11 Jul 2024 - 2:43 pm

Bruce, some weeks overlap. They’re not clean start and finish dates between surveys. KJs next book is their first 100% book since their Melbourne launch without rollover weeks. They’re going to be fine, poor press is a beat up. Let’s see in 6, 12, 18 months because they’re not going anywhere. Like any other show it’ll take time but… they’ll be sweet.


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