Audible launches House of Skulls with Marc Fennell

Australian Walkley-winning journalist Marc Fennell has launched the Audible Original podcast House of Skulls, investigating the mysterious Morton Cranial Collection. 

The six-episode documentary podcast reflects on how and why a collection of skulls from around the world ended up in an American Ivy League university basement. 

Listeners will hear a story of racism that encounters tales of an Australian cannibal, ancient Egyptian looted tombs and the story behind one of America’s most tragic acts of police violence.

Speaking about House of Skulls on the Radio Today podcast, Marc detailed the goal of the restoring some humanity to the people in the collection who were treated as specimens.

“Some of these skulls have heaps of writing about who they were and where they came from, but a lot of them have nothing other than what is tattooed on the forehead,” said Marc.

“So how do we go about giving them back some of their story, some of their history and making them human again?”

Find out by listening to the series on Audible.

House of Skulls by Marc Fennell is available to hear free on Audible from Tuesday, 26 September.

Listen here.

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