About that “Routed” ad

Staff Writer

Ray Hadley didn’t take to the new Gregory’s Street directory Father’s Day ad, so he got it taken off-air and not just at 2GB but reportedly across the Macquarie Radio Network that were playing it. Ray also went on a bit of a rant it about as well. What was so offensive to the mums and the kids?  “I have no doubt that some smart ‘A’ with a pony tail,  a porche, a piercing thinks it’s witty. Well it may be witty but it won’t be on this  program again I can assure you”, said Ray.  Take a listen below to the ad and a listen to Ray’s reasons why.

“I don’t know how it made it through the checks and balances of the number one radio station of what is a large network, but I will be talking to the sales and commercial people and voicing my extreme displeasure. It might pass muster in other low brow places but it won’t pass muster here.”

So was Ray right to tell the client to get “Routed”?

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