2UE announce survey break lineup

Staff Writer

With Saturday marking the end of Survey 4 and the start of a 2 week survey break, many metro teams will be taking the opportunity to take leave.

Clinton Maynard, Content Director of 2UE, has revealed their lineup.

BREAKFAST – Andrew Voss and Angela Bishop – For Dicko and Sarah
MORNINGS – John Stanley – for Paul Murray
YOUR BUSINESS DAY – John Stanley – (unchanged)
AFTERNOONS – George Moore and Paul B Kidd – for Stuart Bocking (first week only)
DRIVE – Jason Morrison – (unchanged)
SPORTS TODAY – John Gibbs and Greg Alexander – (unchanged)
NIGHTS – Clive Robertson – for Murray Wilton

Maynard says he is excited by the Voss / Bishop breakfast lineup:

"Both are daily contributors to the Breakfast show. Voss is of course very well know as a Rugby League commentator, but I think he will surprise people with his extraordinary knowledge of general news and current affairs issues, he's an absolute pro and entertaining."

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