Nikole Gunn

Ch-ch-ch-changes to news
A week into the first survey of the year and there have already been big changes on the Melbourne radio landscape and I’m not talking about new stations or new breakfast shows.I’m ...
The Quills
They’re not ACRAs, but the party is almost as much fun, but not as much fake smiles and backstabbing.They’re the Melbourne Press Club Quill Awards: one of Australia’s most ...
In breaking news…
Just after 10 this morning, a story of national significance breaks.  AAP reports “A siege is taking place at a café in Sydney’s central business district”Within ...
Neil Mitchell: A sum of all parts
Neil Mitchell is at the top of his game.  With another survey win under his belt, the contract negotiations continue with Fairfax.Should he sign on for another three years, he’ll reach ...
Hamish and Andy
With the successful launch of hit107 and the start of a new breakfast show in Adelaide, what now for Southern Cross Austereo?Rolling out the HIT brand across the country seems to be a natural ...
What now for SCA?
Just days ago, Southern Cross Austereo flicked the switch on SAFM.  After 34 years on the Adelaide radio dial, it was simply ‘gone’. The move generated a lot of talk and a ...
Pet hates of a radio journalist
My old journalism students will probably be LOL-ing themselves silly right about now.  Apparently I was notorious for my ‘pet hates’ and there was always something to set my ...
What make a good radio journo?
What is it about a particular journo that makes them stand out from the herd? I’ve been asked it a lot and it has me thinking. 20 or even 10 years ago, I would have quickly answered that it ...
In defence of “news”
Let me be upfront from the outset.  I have an agenda.  I am a journalist. Putting modesty to one side, I’m even an award winning one: New York Radio Festival silver medallist for ...