Wippa shares some classic Barry Humphries moments on Fitzy & Wippa with Kate Ritchie


As Australia prepares to farewell the comic genius who brought us Dame Edna, This week on Nova’s Fitzy & Wippa with Kate Ritchie, Wippa told his favourite stories about the late Barry Humphries.

Wippa: “I’ve got two stories that I want to tell. I just love this. He went to school at Melbourne Grammar. He would get the train into school and he would get on at his stop. He would have organised all of this. He would just sit down with the other commuters on the train that are going in to do their daily work.”

“The next stop, someone would hop on – one of his mates – and just hand him a bowl. So everyone would see this kid sitting in the seat just holding a bowl, and the next stop, someone would get on and fill up full of cereal. So the commuters are just looking at this kid thinking: What is going on here? The next stop comes around Richmond station, his mate gets on and fills up full of milk. And he’s still just sitting there doesn’t move until the next stop, when someone gets on and hands him a spoon and he eats his breakfast on the train.”

FITZY:  Jeez, that’s a lot of effort isn’t it?

WIPPA: “A lot of effort, but for the sake of a laugh. He was prepared to go to that length. Just a great story.”

Listen to Wippa’s story of another classic ‘Barry’ moment here:

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