Vale Father Gerard Dowling

Father Gerard Dowling passed away on the weekend. He had been part of the Melbourne broadcasting community for 50 years.

A respected community outreach worker, Father Dowling started hosting the Family Counsellor program on 3UZ, now RSN927, in 1973, and was honoured in August at Parliament House by family, friends and former radio colleagues ahead of his 50th anniversary. He has been credited with saving the lives of many people with his Sunday night program taking counselling into homes and bringing comfort to thousands of others.

Up until earlier this year Father Dowling was still performing daily Mass, funeral services, wedding and baptisms.

RSN said:

“To the family of Father Gerard Dowling, our deepest condolences, but all of us are certainly richer for having had him in our lives.”

Memories and tributes have been shared here.


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Jason, Andrew Toppin from Mubarek Victoria
27 Nov 2023 - 7:14 pm

Gelling, what are the gentlemen of Melbourne radio? I called him one Christmas night and message him about Mandisa and her music. God bless so far darling and may in peace. Much loved and missed everyone.


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