Triple M partners with Lifeline for 2024 No Talk Day


Triple M has announced a new partnership with Lifeline ahead of its 2024 No Talk Day.

Every day, nine Australians take their own life. On average, seven of those are men.

On Monday 1 July, the mics across Triple M’s 49 radio stations around Australia will stay switched off for the network’s annual No Talk Day, creating space for listeners to check-in with themselves and their mates.

Now in its sixth year, No Talk Day will see Triple M pause all shows, announcers and ads, along with all news and traffic reports, between 6am and 6pm, as a reminder to make mental health a priority and encourage listeners to start a conversation for themselves or with someone they care about.

Triple M Melbourne Content Manager and joint founding No Talk Day advocate Shaun Gough understands it takes courage to talk about mental health.

“With Lifeline on board for No Talk Day this year, we hope to foster more conversations and encourage our listeners to reach out, either for themselves or someone they love.”

Dr Ally Nicolopoulos, Wellbeing Lead at Lifeline, reminds listeners that they can access support through Lifeline 24 hours a day in a way that feels most comfortable for them.

“At Lifeline, we understand that every Australian who listens to Triple M will have their own mental health journey and will have their own preferences on how to reach out for support. It’s okay if you don’t quite know what to say, or how to say it. The first step is just knowing that someone is there, and Lifeline is always here.”

Triple M’s No Talk Day can be heard on Triple M’s 49 FM stations around the country on Monday 1 July and via the LiSTNR app.

To access support from Lifeline, call 13 11 14 or go to

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