Tony Armstrong talks AFL culture with Fifi, Fev & Nick


This morning Fox FM’s Fifi, Fev & Nick were joined by former AFL player and now ABC presenter Tony Armstrong.

Armstrong, a proud indigenous man, suggested  clubs which are having difficulty navigating ongoing systemic social issues within the AFL should reflect on their leadership as the cultural issues begin “at the top.”

Armstrong reflected on his time at the Sydney Swans, saying there wasn’t any room for error or slip-up, helping to foster a safe environment for all players.

“It’s tricky because I always found the better the club was (on-field), the better it was culturally, so you never saw any of that stuff when a club was good. I think that is any workplace, right? If a workplace is really good, they function really well. Everyone operates with respect. Then what you get is a workplace where everyone has a good experience when they go through.”

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15 May 2024 - 2:58 pm

This so true.
Great, successful workplaces have already developed a culture that is safe for all. Cultures that celebrate diversity and gender equality. That’s why they are successful right!
Tony is going to be, if not already a tremendous leader in Australia for a long time to come.
See a very very bright future Mr Tony Armstrong!!!


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