Survey 2 reveals commercial radio listening has soared: CRA        


Industry body Commercial Radio and Audio (CRA) says weekly commercial radio cumulative audiences have hit new highs and people are listening to an hour more commercial radio each week (year on year), as revealed in GfK Survey 2.

The total average time people listened to commercial radio across the five major metro markets was 13 hours, 22 minutes a week.

The key 25 – 54 buying demographic average audience surged 11.7% year on year, with commercial radio audience listening up 38 minutes a week. Cumulative audiences increased by 308,000 or 5.4% year on year for the demographic.

CRA says young people 18 – 24 are embracing commercial radio, with a 7.2% increase in cumulative audience and a 25% increase in average audience year on year, driven by time spent listening surging 1 hour 30 minutes per week.

Commercial DAB+ stations again performed strongly with nearly 2.8 million weekly listeners, up 33.7% from 2.08 million a year ago.

“The quality and variety of commercial DAB+ stations have been embraced by the Australian listening community. And it’s across all demographics,” says Ford Ennals, CEO of CRA.

“Commercial DAB+ only stations are attracting significant audiences, with over 300,000 weekly listeners for each of the top five station brands.”

The top five commercial radio DAB+ only station brands for GfK survey 2 were The 90s, Coles Radio, R&B Fridays Radio, The 80s and OLDSKOOL 90s HITS.

GfK survey 2 revealed a new record* of 12.2 million people listened to commercial radio, up 591,000 people year on year. Eighty-two percent of Australians aged 10+ listened to commercial radio each week during the survey period.

“GfK Survey 2 reaffirms the strength of commercial radio. Australians love commercial radio, and with the addition of new DAB+ content and stations, the industry is giving them more to love,” Mr Ennals says.

*Gfk Survey 2 2023 commercial radio total cumulative audience 12.203 million listeners. GfK Survey 8 2022 commercial radio total cumulative audience 12.201 million listeners.


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21 Apr 2023 - 9:42 am

Its incredible that the popularity of new media such as podcasts and access to streaming services while in transit has had no effect on commercial radio, in fact commercial radio has only got more popular.

Its amazing that my teenagers and there friends have no idea what a smallzy is or who Kyle is yet there demographics are sky rocketing.

It is amazing that most popular breakfast announcers live more in the 40-54 demographic now that the 25-39 demographic yet 18-24’s are through the roof.

Its amazing that it used to be a real challenge and took brilliant programming strategy to get your metro station in Sydney and Melbourne over 1 million cume, but now most of the stations pull these numbers with ease… and with so much more competition out there.

Its amazing that 18-24 demo is huge in DAB but the most popular stations are Coles radio and 90s/80s themed

You get my drift…. how can any of these figures actually be taken seriously? The methods are beyond archaic and the data is questionable at best.

Fudge the numbers
21 Apr 2023 - 12:10 pm

couldn’t agree more with this comment. Those 18-24 TSL and cume increases defy logic. Are we going to be told that this cohort of listener is tuning in more because of their connection with the talent who are old enough to be their parents? Or are they coming for the songs and artists they hear at festivals which are ignored by commercial FMs?
it makes no sense.

23 Apr 2023 - 7:52 am

Also agree wholeheartedly with really?’s comment. None of the data makes sense. No young people are listening 25% longer, hanging for the next banger on Coles radio.

Data Nerd
24 Apr 2023 - 9:43 am

When you don’t include people who don’t listen to the radio in radio survey you get results like this.

It’s like claiming 100% of Australians are into knitting when you only asked 10 people in a knitting store.

24 Apr 2023 - 1:23 pm

The numbers would not stand up in any research project based on methodology..
When are they going to have people wearing wearable meters –

This will be the only way to debunk the myths – but people have to be random to ensure the “average” punter will be reflected…

25 Apr 2023 - 2:48 pm

So how does one get one these ” survey’ forms?

Have only evey had one way back in the early 90’s

26 Apr 2023 - 11:35 am

Have you driven a Ford lately ?

Charlie Tuna
27 Apr 2023 - 10:12 am

um yeah nah………… u30’s dont listen to radio , thats it , end of story


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