Social Scorecard: radio’s top social posts this week, plus the top 5 reasons to publish Instagram Stories

Staff Writer


Lots of movement at the social station this week, with the debut of Facebook’s first dedicated virtual reality app, the addition of Shazam integration to SnapChat and analytics now available for Twitter Moments.

What does this mean? Lots of new social toys for radio to play with, of course!

As for radio socials, the focus has been more on live content which is great, bringing me to this week’s topic.

To be honest, as controversial as this sounds, I am more partial to Instagram Stories than SnapChat, at least for radio.

Sure, all the cool kids/stations are doing it so I/we should be doing it too, right?

In the past – up at sparrows fart with sleep in my eyes while doing live socials for breakfast radio – I’ve got Twitter, Instagram and SnapChat logged in on my mobile, my laptop has Facebook and Twitter open, plus Hootsuite too.

Yes, sometimes I’m too busy live Tweeting and capturing the action happening in front of me in the studio, and don’t have the time to face-swap a grumpy talent.

As a social media producer I want my life to be easier, but I also want to showcase the very best content I can capture of on-air talent.

When I think of SnapChat, I feel that it appeals to a very limited, younger demographic. So if you are the Smallzy’s of the industry, that’s great. But is Gen X’er Samantha caring about Hamish and Andy on SnapChatting during their show? Nope, she’s busy driving home.

Instagram Stories offers your audience a one-stop shop for content and makes our life so much easier!

I don’t have to switch apps. I can give the audience something live, fresh and new – leaving the good stuff as an Instagram post.

It’s like breathing life into a show, giving it personality and showing listeners the behind-the-scenes gold they are itching to see and hear when the mics are turned off.

You also aren’t flooding people’s Insta feed with a bombardment of content that could piss them off, leading to an unfollow.

So now that I’ve totally convinced you that pushing out a Snap with a Bambi filter that you’ve done three weeks in a row isn’t very engaging, I’m going to give you my top five reasons you should be turning your attention to Instagram Stories instead of SnapChat Stories.

1. Two for the price of one!

You have SnapChat Stories – 24 hours worth of content in one long Snap…yawn! Or you have two channels to push out content, so potentially doubling engagement; your Insta feed and Stories.

2. It keeps you relevant and noticed

If you feed stats are showing that your content is a little stale, you’ve got Instagram Stories to back you up and keep you fresh in people’s minds! The trick is to post in Instagram Stories consistently – you give your station a more human element and remain in that prime position.

3. It drives traffic and increases engagement

You can send users to Insta feed posts or, to other social channels, listing tags, a website address or engaging copy.

4. Instagram Stories now has Geostickers – just like SnapChat

You can now add location tags and graphics to your Instagram Stories allowing you to personalise it. You can also apply the same filters that are available on your feed, to change the colour, contrast, and lighting of your images or videos.

5. Instagram Stories Live 

The cherry on top that it has over SnapChat is now its Instagram Stories Live video, showing users what’s happening that instant. They only downfall is that they can’t go back and watch it again as it disappears, but remains in the moment, and is for your follower’s eyes only – creating the illusion that it is somewhat exclusive.

Moving on, here are radio’s top social posts this week;

1. Hit 104.7 Canberra’s Tanya Hennessy: Facebook – ‘REALISTIC Makeup Tutorial’

Views: 4.9 million

Reactions: 88,000

Shares: 37,656

Comments: 23,000

Tanya, you posted on socials what 90% of us ladies do. I keep buying brushes that look like something I could buy at Bunnings because it’s supposed to make my foundation sit better.

Relatable, genuine and hilarious. No bells, whistles or overly produced video. She nailed this video using the ’tag a friend’ method to gain a bigger reach. It went viral and got write-ups in ‘Daily Mail’, ‘Glamour’, ’Teen Vogue’ and Fairfax newspapers. Take note; this is how you create great social content people.

Loved it! Can’t wait to see your next video, Tanya.


2. Hit Network: Facebook Live – ‘International Women’s Day’

Views: 95,001

Reactions: 570

Shares: 96

Comments: 193

In an apparent Australian first, the Hit Network celebrated International Women’s Day with a special breakfast show featuring an array of the network’s female talent.

The show featured some impressive identities including Fifi Box, Em Russian, Ash London and Carrie Bickmore.

Streamed on Facebook Live,  I got to see this group of incredibly funny, entertaining women – their facial expression, how animated they got…really enjoyed this social media activation overall!


3. Coast Live 97.3 FM: Facebook Live – ’Suzuki Giveaway’

Views: 5,000

Reactions: 74

Shares: 5

Comments: 284

A very smart way to get significant engagement. They streamed a car giveaway live on Facebook, as listeners grabbed a random key and tried to unlock the prize.

But the smart kicker? Encouraging people who were watching the feed to comment what person would win the car. This tactic increased viewing time, ensuring longer engagement and time for the feed to build a bigger audience. High five!

To submit your content to Radio Today‘s Social Scorecard, send us an inbox message via our Facebook page.

Social Scorecard is compiled exclusively for Radio Today by Jess Frangelli.

Jess is an AFTRS graduate and Account Manager at social-first digital agency Jaden Social.

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