Smash Prep launches free to radio presenters during COVID-19

Former Assistant Editor

Smash Prep is a new music radio prep service, launching free to all radio presenters globally.

The service has been created by international radio consultant Francis Currie and well-known UK radio presenter Bam, and the co-developers are currently waiving all subscription fees.

Smash Prep provides a healthy snap-shot of constantly updating content about popular musicians, providing a quick and easy way for presenters to get up to date.

As COVID-19 forces more and more radio professionals to work from home, Smash Prep aims to fill the gap in resources that some may experience.

Logging onto the platform, presenters will always be provided with something new and engaging to say about a band or artist, with updates including responses by artists to COVID-19 and much more.

“Radio stations are currently under huge pressure commercially, technically and creatively, and their listeners need them more than ever,” said Curie.

“Releasing Smash Prep without charge is our small contribution.”

As well as including bio information, Smash Prep also features content from artist’s social media channels, Spotify previews, and other news feeds. It also includes links to song facts and tour dates.

There are already 500+ artist pages on the platform.

“Smash Prep helps you miss nothing,” added Bam. It keeps you on top of what artists and bands are saying on their socials, and that plus news headlines all on one page is a great time-saver.”

The platform will be free until at least, July 1, 2020. For more info and to sign up head to

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