Seymour FM celebrates opening of new digs today


Victorian community station 103.9 Seymour FM today celebrates the official opening of its two new studios and office in Pollard Street, Seymour.

The station is holding an open day, showcasing live music and theatrical performances each hour from midday, in between tours of the new facilities.

But it’s been a challenging road to this point.

A transmitter had to be rebuilt after it burned to the ground, and the Kings Park studio was damaged during the infamous October floods.

In an interview this week with The North Central Review, Station Manager Bruce-Hunt Hughes (pictured above) says while it was a scramble to pull the pieces together after the floods, the station was able to go back on air.

“Remarkably we weren’t off air for very long before managing to be broadcasting again, but it was by the skin of our teeth.”

Seymour FM has been on air for 21 years, servicing the northern Mitchell Shire and northern Strathbogie shire areas.

Mr Hunt-Hughes says today’s official opening is an invitation to discover more listeners, talent and ideas.

“We’ve got a lot of keen people in the community who listen to Seymour FM. We’re building on the talent that we have, and then reaching out to gather in more.”

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Mick C
29 Jun 2023 - 4:38 pm

Congrats on your new ” digs” and continued growth


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