Rove…. On Rove & Sam

Staff Writer

“It’s going great”

Those are first words said by Rove when asked about how Sam Frost and him are going with 2DayFM Breakfast.

And like all on breakfast, you have good days and better ones.  “….on the whole, it really feels like we’re just on a really great track now. It just feels really comfy”, Rove told

When asked what is Rove & Sam’s point of difference to other shows in Sydney? It was Heart.

“…..It actually is something that hopefully we’re bringing to the table that not everyone else is.”

The chat then goes onto to  talking about the criticism that Sam Frost has copped since joining Rove on 2Day FM. Rove is still her number one fan saying:  “You’ve got to weather the storm. I think she’s doing a tremendous job and there is nobody else that I would wanna have in that chair talking to me for three hours everyday.”

Like Radio Today’s chat with Rove and Sam, he wasn’t giving away, where or when he expects ratings to improve for breakfast on 2Day FM. He confirms in the story: “just constantly improving I hope.”

You can read the full story and chat from Andrew Bucklow here.


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