Rosso wins heritage award

Staff Writer

Tim 'Rosso' Ross from ARN has been awarded the Conservation top prize in the 2014 National Trust Heritage Awards.

Rosso received the award for his work in combining architecture and comedy; performing his comedy routine 'Man About the House' in mid-century homes with his musical partner Kit Warhurst. 

The tour sold out in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland.

Rosso said;

“I can’t believe we actually bloody won this National Trust Heritage Award. Thanks to Kit Warhurst and Stuart Alfred who believed in me when even I didn’t understand what we were doing. Doing a live comedy show in historic houses? Modernism and funny? Well it sort of works and conservation has always been our message and I’m stoked that we’ve been recognised for it”.

See the video outlining the concept below.

TIM ROSS – Man About the House from Toby Morris on Vimeo.

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