Power100’s Archie & Donny get into the Supercars spirit ahead of Townsville 500


Have you ever seen a shopping trolley with a 43CC motor, racing tyres and a rotatable spoiler?

You have now.

Archie & Donny from Townsville’s Power100 have built the Power100 Supercar…T.

It’s a trolley on steroids … and what a powerful beast it is.

“The Power100 Supercar…T can go from 0-25km/h in roughly 19 seconds depending on whether or not we can get it started first time round,” says Archie.

It’s the brekky boys’ way of creating some buzz before the The Townsville 500 takes over the city next week.

Archie explains “This is an extension of a story we did on the show last year with our Soup … A Car (pictured above), that captured the imagination of motor-racing fans last year.”

“But we felt we had to change it up this year and go with a new play-on words.”

Supercar driver Bryce Fullwood from Brad Jones Racing even took it for a spin.

The Power100 Supercar will be at different locations across Townsville each day.

Listeners who find it, take a photo with it and share it on their socials have the chance to win a Hot Lap with the Shell-V-Power Racing Team next week.

“We’re always looking at creative and fun ways to engage the community and capture the conversation of the city,” says Archie. It’s quite remarkable how excited the public has reacted to seeing a shopping trolley!”

To launch the Supercar…T, the Power100 team filmed a video spoofing the iconic “duck’s guts” scene from the original Mad Max film.

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