No Experience needed
You get the call and news.
You are down 3 jocks – because of sickness and some are away on holidays – and your fill-in guy is out of town as well.
You ask yourself the question “how the hell am I going to cover the shifts today?”
Thankfully the idea came to mind, to ask the Ballarat listeners to fill-in for the afternoon shift.
Garrath Cockerell, PD for Power FM called his breakfast team with the news and the call went out for new announcers to cover the “Home Run”, no experience necessary.
Garreth Said: “We had lots of people contacting us through Facebook and a couple of people walked into the station ready to go. One woman, Regina, had driven into Ballarat for the very first time as she was on holidays from America and tuned into the radio, heard our call and was the first one on air.”
“We then booked them in to record 1-2 talk breaks each (warts and all) and filled in the 2-6pm shift. Lots of fun and lots of talk around town.”