Kyle offered his dream gig
When Radio Today's Scott Muller caught up with Kyle a couple of months back, he revealed his dream gig…. Scott: ….if you went back in time and talked to yourself, what would your ...
Hamster Wheel SCA pisstake
Last night, ABC's 'The Hamster Wheel' aired a very funny pisstake of what they believe could be happening behind the scenes at Southern Cross Austereo. They intro'd the piece by saying… ...
Who am I ?
I have worked alongside many radio legends.   I am currently in a network operations role.   I have been called "one of the best script writers I’ve had the pleasure of building ...
Fairfax Media’s AGM
Fairfax Media Chairman Roger Corbett and CEO Greg Hywood have addressed the company's AGM. Here are some key parts from both speeches plus links to read both in full….