Metro Survey 2: The Spin


GfK Metro Survey 2. The Spin.






From Triple M Adelaide:

Triple M Breakfast with Roo, Ditts and Loz have continued their meteoric rise in Adelaide, achieving a share increase of 1.3% in this morning’s radio survey results, taking the show to an impressive 14.2% share in the Breakfast time slot and becoming the Number 1 Breakfast show in Adelaide (source: GFK Radio Survey 2 2023).

Triple M Adelaide also achieved the Number 1 station title, with a share increase of 1.3% which took the station share (P10+) to 12% and a station record-breaking cumulative audience of 304,000 listeners.

After spending eight out of the last 11 surveys as Number 1 on the FM dial, Laura ‘Loz’ O’ Callaghan, Mark ‘Roo’ Ricciuto, Chris ‘Ditts’ Dittmar say hard work helps them sustain success, saying: “Everyone’s hard working. Everyone contributes and does their bit and has their strengths. Everyone does bring something to the table and it all blends together.”

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20 Apr 2023 - 11:20 am

I’m not sure why they bother having radio ratings anymore because every station releases a press statement claiming they won

They have all become like Donald Trump

Charlie Tuna
20 Apr 2023 - 12:21 pm

results dont really change much do they?

20 Apr 2023 - 4:13 pm

How can Nova Brisbane claim ‘most listened to station’ when B105 won highest share?

The Wolf
21 Apr 2023 - 10:57 am

2GB the Bud Light of Radio !!


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