Media Watch goes to town on Kyle & Jackie O


Three months after they exploded onto Melbourne’s airwaves, Kyle & Jackie O – widely described as Australia‘s king and queen of radiohave copped a right royal roasting on the ABC’s Media Watch.

“A northern invasion of the FM market which has the barbarians at the gate,” was how host Paul Barry described the Sydney duo’s arrival on the scene.

Last night, the ABC show took aim at K & J’s jaw droppingly explicit content – from hot sex to naked dating, virtual reality porn and everything else in between.

From their very first minute on air in Melbourne, K & J’s no-holds-barred approach sent shockwaves through the city and garnered a huge amount of local media attention.

At that time, Channel Ten’s The Project talked about their ‘unique broadcasting style.’

“Unique broadcasting style,” Paul Barry muses. “Is that what they call it?”

Three months on, Media Watch takes a look at how the show may (or may not) be gelling with its new Melbourne audience.

“There’s just nothing that I hear on the show at the moment that would suggest they’re thinking about Melbourne in any way, shape and form,” former SCA content boss Craig Bruce said recently on the Game Changers Radio: Melbourne Radio Wars podcast.

The next lot of radio survey results are due to land at the end of the month.

Whilst history shows Kyle & Jackie O to be a hugely successful and formidable on-air team, ARN’s Chief Content Officer Duncan Campbell has suggested the show will take a bit of time to ‘bed in’ with its new Melbourne audience.

“Or not,” says Barry.

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Chuck Tuna
6 Aug 2024 - 11:25 am

Of course they’re not thinking about Melbourne its a generic show that can be taken anywhere. Isn’t it ?

Mike Harris
6 Aug 2024 - 12:32 pm

Well, the could do some localisation …
It wouldn’t hurt!

Neil Alexander
6 Aug 2024 - 12:54 pm

I was just thinking about some of the interstate radio shows that have been beamed into Sydney over the years :
Richard Stubbs & Co
The Cage
Dave Hughes & Co

Networking may seem a great idea on paper in Australia “correct me if Iam wrong”, I don’t believe any of the above programs broke any radio ratings records ?

6 Aug 2024 - 5:14 pm

I don’t see that show as entertainment at all, kyle is all about someone else’s personal expence.

Geoff Field
6 Aug 2024 - 5:53 pm

The show is creepy.
A 53 year old man and a woman almost 50 talking to junior staff about anal sex and god knows what else.
In any other workplace you’d be fired or reported to police
Advertisers are pulling out. I spoke to the principal of a college in Melbourne yesterday who has pulled ads from their show after I pointed out the content.

6 Aug 2024 - 8:32 pm

The Melbourne Truth worked. For a while. But they’re not.

Used to be a Geoff Field fan
7 Aug 2024 - 9:49 am

Geoff, I was a big fan of your work but now you have lost the plot. Just think about the consequences that telling clients to pull advertising has. Loss in revenue, budgets go down, people get made redundant because there’s no money. Do you really want that?

What ever happened to “if you don’t like what you hear, just turn it off” instead of going on this crusade you seem to be campaigning. Including trying to get ARN staff involved. Really Geoff? I thought you were so much better than that.

Graeme Wright
7 Aug 2024 - 12:21 pm

They are pathetic

7 Aug 2024 - 8:04 pm

Not convinced Brisbane KIIS breakfast is safe. All of their marketing across the City has been stripped of photos promoting “Robin & Kip” for generic branding. Gearing up for a K&J takeover in 2025?


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