LiSTNR accelerates its data cleanroom strategy


LiSTNR has announced a key partner to further accelerate its data cleanroom strategy with DataCo Technologies.

The additional data cleanroom solution will allow advertisers to integrate their own databases with LiSTNR’s 1.95 million first party database.

LiSTNR says it chose to partner with DataCo’s Cleanroom Data Collaboration Platform as it offers bank grade security and privacy protection, without the technical complexity.

It says the DataCo cleanroom will enable brands to make use of their own databases in conjunction with LiSTNR’s first party database in a safe and privacy compliant way.

Under the partnership, LiSTNR’s first party data can be dissected at a segment or spending level, such as which content is listened to by people who spend money on grocery products or if consumers are listening to a particular podcast, and what categories of spend they index highest in.

One early adopter and key launch partner is Uber Eats. The technology platform will look to create a rewarding listener experience by offering discounts and promotions to specific audience cohorts.

SCA Executive Head – LiSTNR Commercial Olly Newton says “Being able to data match is the highest value property that you can buy in digital audio because it enables ad dollars to work harder.”

“The combination of first party data from LiSTNR, now enhanced with financial data from DataCo and an advertiser’s own data, means brands benefit from enhanced planning insights, greater campaign performance and optimisation capabilities.”

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