Latest podcast trends revealed as PodPoll returns


PodPoll – the podcast insights survey which delves into Australia’s listening habits – is back for 2024.

Launching on Wednesday September 25 at 12 noon (AEDT), PodPoll 24 will be presented by the ABC’s award-winning podcast host Marc Fennell.

The webinar will include an in-depth presentation by Deadset Studios’ podcast strategist Kellie Riordan and Insightfully’s opinion researcher Leanne White.

PodPoll 24 demonstrates podcasts have become a staple in the media diet of Australians.

Riordan says this presents a huge opportunity for media houses, marketers and brands.

“PodPoll 24 shows there’s still a significant gap to fill with podcast content tailored to their needs and desires.”

PodPoll 24 covers:

  • Which content genres are the most popular, as well as which genres are under-served
  • Generational differences in podcast consumption
  • Time spent listening via hours and number of episodes each week
  • Trends on branded podcasts and host-read ads
  • Trends on what people are doing while listening.

Registration details here.

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