Katie Lamb: “Talking to a mate on air for a living is a dream gig”


When chatting to Katie Lamb, you get the distinct feeling that she and Andrew Embley share as many laughs off air as they do on.

When Katie rocks up for work each day at Triple M Perth, their typical banter includes Embers greeting her with ‘G’day Lambdaaawwwwg! We gonna film a TokTik today?’

And no, that wasn’t a typo.

“He says ‘TokTik,’ laughs Katie, who tells Radio Today she always looks forward to the daily office shenanigans.

It’s now one and a half years since Katie joined Triple M Perth’s Rush Hour as co-host alongside Embley, and in that time, she and the former West Coast Eagles wingman have become firm friends.

Katie says talking to a mate on air for a living has always been the dream gig in radio.

“I feel very lucky to be living that every day at Triple M on the Drive show with Embers.”

 Katie grew up in the western suburbs of Perth, the youngest of three girls.

“Sounds wanky, but I swear I’m from a very non-wanky family!” she chuckles.

The daughter of former Subiaco premiership player turned footy commentator Phil Lamb, Katie describes herself as the black sheep of the family.

At school, she was far more interested in making people laugh than learning algebra.

“My year 5 school report said ‘Katie seems to be hosting a hen’s party most days in class.’ Cheers Mrs T!”

Whilst Katie loved school and excelled in sport, by the time she graduated, she had no idea what she wanted to do in terms of a career.

All she cared about was playing netball.

Katie ended up studying Exercise and Sports Science.

“But I didn’t have any interest in becoming a sports teacher or doing extra study to become a physio,” she says.

Katie admits studying wasn’t her strong suit.

As fortune would have it, a friend spotted a notice about the Diploma of Sports Broadcasting on offer at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).

“My mate remembered me saying I’d love to get into media one day as I always used to watch my dad commentate the WAFL on the ABC,” says Katie. “Seeing him on TV always amazed me and made me feel so proud.”

Katie ended up auditioning for the course at WAAPA. She was one of 21 students to be accepted into the class of 2011.

Originally, she wanted to be a TV presenter.

“I used to say Can’t stand the show Farmer Wants a Wife but I’d bloody love to be the host of it.’

As it turned out, the first semester at WAAPA was about all things radio, and Katie fell in love with the lifestyle.

“I was like ‘What do you MEAN you can wear comfy clothes to work because people only hear you and not see you? SIGN ME UP!’”

Upon graduation, Katie started out doing dawn shifts on Triple M Perth. Seven months later, she was offered a gig with Nova as weekend announcer and panel op for the brekky team of Nathan, Nat and Shaun.

“I ended up doing a bit of everything at Nova,” says Katie. “I loved my time there and everyone I worked with, especially the breakfast show.”

It’s clear that Nathan Morris holds a special place in her heart.

“Nathan is still one of my best friends to this day and a huge role model for me. I learnt a lot from my time there and grateful to have worked so closely with such a successful team.”

Katie was working at Nova when the Covid pandemic hit.

“We were deemed essential workers, so were able to still go to work,” she remembers.

One morning, both Nat and Shaun tested positive and weren’t allowed to go in to the studio.

So, Katie got the call up to do the brekky show with Nathan that morning.

“It was so funny because it was the most rogue show ever,” Katie remembers. “All rules were out the window that day. We were just getting random people to join us on air for a chat and had heaps of laughs.”

“It was that moment which really solidified my dream to be on a show of my own one day!”

And that’s exactly how things have panned out.

When it comes to on-air combos, Katie reckons Embers is the perfect partner in crime.

“I love creating content for our show and being able to take the piss out of each other while we do it.”

“We aren’t an educational show, that’s for sure! But that’s what I love about it – switch on for a few lols on the drive home.”

Katie says her ten years spent at Nova provided her with some solid mentors, Nathan Morris being one of them.

“His work ethic, creativity and unique sense of humour is something I admire and aspire to. The way his mind works keeps everyone on their toes and a smile on their face. I love listening to him.”

Another person who has helped shape Katie’s radio journey is David McClung.

“David was my Program Director at Nova as well as a very good friend. His honesty and leadership really helped me get to where I am now.”

“David is one of the funniest and most blunt people I know, who tells you how it is and always had my best interest at heart – even when it came to me taking a job at 92.9 Triple M.”

“He was so supportive and happy for me to take on this next step in my career.”

“Since being at Triple M, Xavier Ellis has been someone who’s taken me in under his wing, offering me guidance and advice whenever I’ve called for a chat.”

Katie has gained quite the social media following with her videos on Instagram and TikTok.

She says they started very organically a few years ago.

“I made a video one day while I was bored at work. I  posted it on my Insta story and just received so many messages from people laughing at it.”

“I decided to post it on my actual wall and noticed how many people were liking and commenting on it.”

Katie believes her videos resonate with people because they are so relatable, and feels social media aligns nicely with radio.

“Both jobs are fun and creative and allow me to be me and do what I love most, which is entertain people.”

“I would love to do stand-up comedy at some stage, hopefully this year. I think I just need to rip the Band-Aid off and give it a go!”

“This year I signed on with a manager, Carmela from @theccmode, who’s been awesome in getting me more exposure and collabs on social media.”

Recently engaged to West Coast Eagles backline coach Martene Pearman, Katie looks forward to what the future holds.

“My partner and I would love to start a family of our own one day.”

As for the here and now, life is good. Very good indeed.

“I feel like I’ve started to my find my feet and really excited for what’s to come.”

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