Jess Rowe and LiSTNR pull Pauline Hanson podcast episode

Former Editor & Content Director

Media personality, journalist and podcaster Jess Rowe has backtracked on her podcast interview with Pauline Hanson and asked LiSTNR to delete it.

Rowe released the interview yesterday as an episode of her The Jess Rowe Big Talk Show.

Rowe stated that she disagreed with Hanson’s politics, however offered a sympathetic interview including asking about her guest’s love life, family and “why she keeps going”.

Online, the decision to give Hanson a platform was met with criticism, particularly from those who have been oppressed and sidelined by Hanson’s views and actions.

Initially, Rowe defended the decision, responding to comments apologising that people felt disappointed by the episode and reiterating that she is not politically aligned with Hanson.

Australian of the Year Grace Tame had commented that interviews such as the one between Hanson and Rowe are how discrimination and hate is subtly enabled and normalised.

“Everyone’s entitled to their own views, but not all views should be valorised by promoting their source,” Tame said. “Pauline doesn’t need help to be heard, but those whose oppression she’s both driven and reinforced do.”

Rowe had said the interview wasn’t about politics but was about Hanson dealing with some of the darkest moments in her life and the resilience she has built.

Aboriginal Australian leader and actor, writer and comedian Nakkiah Lui countered, however, that if Rowe wasn’t interrogating Hanson’s views, she was instead validating her racist opinions.

“You’re platforming a racist. You’re celebrating someone who has made a career [and money] from degrading, disrespecting and dehumanising many people,” she added.

Last night, Rowe issued a statement saying kindness is at the heart of who she is, and she has asked SCA’s LiSTNR to remove the episode.

She thanked Lui and Tame specifically for their candour, saying she admires them both greatly.

“This will be the start of a bigger conversation for me and with those who those topic directly affects,” she added.


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Peter J
30 Sep 2021 - 2:07 pm

I have so much respect for Jessica Rowe after reading this because too many people just try to shut down anyone they disagree with.

Well done Jessica

30 Sep 2021 - 5:26 pm

This show how absolutely piss weak SCA is to take down a legitimate interview based on the unreasonable comments of a few activists

1 Oct 2021 - 9:10 am

Good move Listnr.

Now more than ever, it’s so important to de-platform any speech from those we don’t like.

All for the greater good.

Well done.

Peter J
1 Oct 2021 - 9:17 am

Just to clarify…I respect Jessica for doing the podcast with Pauline, not for deleting it

Go woke, go broke
1 Oct 2021 - 11:09 am

So Jess Rowe and SCA/Listnr have affirmed that if squeaky wheels online whinge enough from their keyboards, then hard work and uncomfortable listening can be wiped and deleted as if it never existed.

What a weak world we have become to succumb to that.

You may not agree with Pauline (I don’t) or Jess (like her), but that does not give you the right to bully until such interviews are pulled.

No one learns from history by ignoring it.

Pauline and her second senator (Malcolm Roberts, you probably never knew he existed) have had their most lowest profile during these pandemic years, especially since that breakfast TV show ended their regular cross with her ended.

SCA need to toughen up and withstand such passing criticism.

2 Oct 2021 - 11:43 am

The Woke Brigade in full fury, silence everyone whose opinions and philosophies differ from them.


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