How Topical Are You? Here’s How To Find Out

Of course you think you’re relevant, but is your show as topical as other listener choices?

On one day, record a full show for each station you consider a competitor.

This is easy to do from their online stream using inexpensive software like Rogue Amoeba’s Audio Hijack Pro.

Using our Content Relevance Comparison Template (download below) track everything that happens on each station.

Listen to each show, logging detailed notes of their content. Include service elements (weather, traffic, news, etc.), promo information, features and benchmarks.

Now examine every 10 minute period (the average length of a tune-in occasion). Is each 10 minute period balanced? Is it delivering audience expectation? Are there surprises?

Now, add a column for your show. How do you measure up? Are you winning the relevant content battle throughout? Do you talk about the most important topics frequently enough to win them?

Finally, add a column for local morning television shows. And, if you’re feeling ambitious, add networked television programming.

If you prefer, you can assign a relevance score to each item for each show. On a Scale of 1-10, how do you rate each piece of content on the “Who Cares” scale? Add up the scores, dividing by the total number of content pieces to get an average relevance score for each station.

You can apply this concept to other media as well. Track television newscasts, or late night talk shows. It’s a convenient way to stay on top of the most topical content providers.

The download is free for clients and members of the Insiders Radio Network. Not a member? no problem. Just start a free trial today today and download it immediately.

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