From AFTRS student to Jonesy & Amanda’s producer: How Monica Reid followed her dream


When Monica Reid decided to explore the world of producing, she not only found she had a knack for it … she promptly fell in love with it.

It was only recently that Monica graduated from the Graduate Diploma in Radio and Podcasting course at AFTRS. Today, she’s the producer for WSFM’s Jonesy & Amanda, as well as producer and host of the Nepobaby podcast.

And the AFTRS experience was an integral part of the journey.

“It feels like it went in the blink of an eye,” says Monica, ahead of the latest round of AFTRS Post Grad Info Nights, coming up next month.

The evenings offer an opportunity for people to ask questions and get acquainted with AFTRS, its teaching staff and its state-of-the-art facilities.

Reflecting on how it all began for her, Monica says she’d been involved in acting and performing whilst also doing some producing, when she saw an ad for the Radio Fundamentals Course pop up online.

“I felt like I really want to explore more in an audio space,” she says. “So I thought I’d do it and see if I liked it.”

It was a short course than ran over several weeks and for Monica, it was a revelation.

“I really, really loved it,” she says.

“That’s sort of what drew me into radio and got me to apply for the full course, which was the Graduate Diploma in Radio and Podcasting.”

“It was really amazing. A lot of what challenged me in the course was the live broadcasts.”

Monica says it helped her to discover where her strengths lay.

“I think I learnt a lot about myself and how I operate as a producer in that space.”

Monica also highlights AFTRS Showcase as an important part of her journey and a great opportunity to make some handy connections.

“It’s a chance to meet past students, current students, industry (people) as well … and just have a conversation.”

“We did one not so long ago which I got to speak at, which was really exciting.”

Monica says she also met quite a few people on the night.

“It’s just good to have in your back pocket, when you’re like ‘Oh, I wonder who could help me with that?’ or ‘Who would be a good connection in the industry in that regard?’”

“It’s good to see what the different pathways from the course have been, who’s in the industry – and who you could possibly work with in the future.”

Now, as she carves an enviable career producing one of Sydney’s top rating FM Breakfast shows, Monica credits AFTRS staff with providing a solid foundation.

“They were mentors. They were friends. They were absolute experts in their field. I take my hat off to them. They’re really amazing people.”

Monica has also added another interesting string to her bow: She helped to launch the AFTRS TikTok channel, teaming up with AFTRS film student Monique Placko.

“We were known as ‘The Mons,’” Monica laughs. “We talked about AFTRS Open Day and different things.”

“It was nice to share in that creative journey together.”

The next AFTRS Postgrad Info Nights for 2024 will be held in person on Tuesday, July 2 and online on Wednesday, July 3.

If you’re interested in the Master of Arts Screen, Master of Arts Screen: Business and Graduate Diploma in Radio and Podcasting, it’s a great opportunity to take part in Q & A sessions for each course and discipline and find out everything you need to know from the AFTRS team.

Participants can ask questions and get advice that’s tailored to them. Find all the information including registration details here.

Find the Nepobaby podcast here on Spotify, on Instagram and on YouTube.

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