Emily Jade launches new podcast with her 12 year old daughter


Hot Tomato brekky co-host Emily Jade O’Keeffe has this week launched a new podcast with her 12 year old daughter Millie Valentine called Move Over Mama.

“Making a mini-me is all fun and games until she starts acting just like you,” says Emily Jade.

“When my daughter showed a deep interest in a career in the media, I decided to be the person I needed when I started 30 years ago. I would simply give her a go!”

Emily Jade says her daughter was the driving force behind Move Over Mama – a mentoring podspace for teens to tune in and listen to someone just like them, starting out on their exciting journey of learning to live their best life.

“Hopefully in one of these episodes, with one of our interesting guests, you will hear exactly what you need to hear to go on and be the person you know you can be,” says Emily Jade.

“Each week I will introduce someone inspiring to Millie to interview and I will move over and let her get to know them. At the end of the podcast when our guest has gone, we will discuss what she learned from that person and how she can apply the lessons in her life.”

Episodes will drop each Thursday night at 6.

Listen to the series here.

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