Creepy, kooky, mysterious and ooky on Newcastle Live


It’s been just over 12 months since paranormal investigators Anne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel joined the Newcastle Live team.

Since the launch of their weekly live show and podcast Spooky Sundays, the ghost-hunting duo has been delving deep into all things creepy, kooky, mysterious and ooky!

Anne says “We’ve been looking at paranormal stories throughout the world and investigating items for sale on eBay that are supposedly haunted or might have a demon or two attached to them.”

“Basically we’re looking at all things ooky spooky that are in our mundane world while hopefully taking a little bit of the fear out of what’s out there and putting a bit more knowledge into it.”

The show also features Q & A sessions, a paranormal trash or treasure segment and deep dives into Australian ghost stories.

Anne and Renata have been investigating paranormal occurrences for the past 20 years and have witnessed countless ghostly experiences such as those shared with Newcastle-bred YouTube comedian Isaac Butterfield in his ghost spotting doco series.

In 2020, the duo sent shivers down the spine of radio hosts Jackie O Henderson and Kyle Sandilands when they investigated the stars’ houses and discovered a ghostly girl called Veronica living in Jackie’s Woollahra mansion.

Spooky Sundays also aims to allay misconceptions about the paranormal.

“I didn’t choose the paranormal, the paranormal chose me,” Renata says.

“We’re all about trying to make people comfortable and safe in their homes. We’ve had experiences where people wouldn’t go into their house because they heard something and someone said: ‘you’ve got a demon, get out of the house.’ Which is not what we’re about at all.”

You can catch Spooky Sundays live with Anne and Renata every Sunday night from 8 pm to 10 pm on Newcastle Live or download and subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and Deezer.

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