Commercial radio hits record numbers of listeners in 2017

Former Assistant Editor

2017 saw a greater weekly audience of Australians tuning into commercial radio than ever before.

Commercial Radio Australia has released a statement full of encouraging statistics for commercial radio in the country, with almost 10.5 million listeners a week turning in.

That means the weekly audience has grown by 200,000 people on average.

The reach of 18-24s has been particularly strong, with an increase from 76% in 2016. The demographic is also at a four-year high, with radio apps and digital radio contributing.

“We’re particularly encouraged by the growth in listening among younger audiences,” said Commercial Radio Australia CEO Joan Warner.

“There’s a misconception that young people aren’t tuning in – but the data shows it’s one of their favourite mediums, with 79% of 18-24- year-olds tuning in every week.”

While commercial radio reached 64% of Australians in their car every week, it was in digital radio that significant growth was made.

More than 3.6 million people listened to DAB+ digital radio week in the five capital cities.

“Radio continues to be one of the best and most reliable ways for advertisers to reach younger audiences.

“With new lineups across a number of markets, 2018 promises to be an exciting year in radio.”

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Just wondering
30 Jan 2018 - 3:11 pm

But what about the year on year TSL for the past five years? What’s that trend look like? It’s all good and well to report huge amounts of listeners, but if they are listening for less time… is that an indication they are less engaged?


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