What's New

Mix 106.5 contest goes wrong
Mix 106.5 in Sydney have discovered a problem with their $100,000 Mystery Voices contest. This morning on 'Rosso & Claire', they played a pre-recorded statement from ARN National Content ...
Horne leaves dmg
dmg's Chief Digital Officer, Rebekkah Horne has resigned to become CEO of a digital start-up venture in the US. Horne will move to Los Angeles as CEO of GumHouse, a startup that specialises ...
Triple J’s new Facebook app
Triple J have launched a Facebook app called "triple J Plays". It allows their listeners to go back to any time, of any day in the last month to see what was played. The app also allows users to ...
3AW announce Hinch replacement
Shane Healy, GM of 3AW Shane Healy has confirmed Tom Elliott (pictured) will take over the station’s drive slot, and it may move to be a 3 hour show (3pm – 6pm). Speaking on Neil ...
This is Turducken Ridiculous
This one could only come from the mind of Merrick Watts 😉 He has taken a pig and stuffed the meat from 19 other animals inside it to make a 'Turducken Ridiculous'. Triple M's Merrick and ...
Radio respond to that C-bomb
It's what everyone is talking about this morning, that C-bomb from C-bickmore. What did some radio people have to say about it on Twitter ? And what did Carrie tweet ?
Pacific Star report $1.2m profit
After a year where they were mainly in the news for all the wrong reasons, as one half of the failed MTR venture, the Pacific Star Network (PNW) has released their preliminary final report for ...