What's New

Halesy leaves Radio Today
Today is a little bittersweet Mark Hales, Radio Today’s Editor, joined us when we were about 15 or so weeks old, and has been our Editor for nearly two years. That’s a lot of ...
TRN boss becomes APN NZ CEO
APN News and Media, who own the Australian Radio Network (ARN) in Australia and The Radio Network (TRN) in New Zealand, have appointed a new CEO for the NZ business. Jane Hastings, who is ...
Fox let listeners in for Open Day
On Friday, Fox FM opened their doors to listeners for an open inspection during the drive show. Breakfast host Dave Thornton along with Dan & Maz, Jo Stanley, Byron Cooke, Michael Beveridge ...
800 shows for My Generation
The MCM produced My Generation will celebrate tomorrow as Jonesy & Amanda present the 800th show. Jonesy explains why the show is a success: “My Gen is the best kick arse radio show ...