CAAMA announces new CEO


The Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA) has announced the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, effective from 27 January 2023.

Sonya De Masi was chosen after an extensive and competitive national selection process.

CAAMA Board Chairman Paul Ah Chee says “Sonya brings a wealth of journalism and editorial leadership experience, a track record in international media development and project management, with astute business acumen.”

Ms De Masi joins CAAMA from ABC International and has previously held senior leadership roles in the not-for-profit sector including Internews and with United Nations peacekeeping.

Ms De Masi says she’s proud to be given the opportunity to lead such a historic media organisation.

“CAAMA holds a special place as a voice for Indigenous Australians,” she said. “People in communities across the Northern Territory and Australia need access to quality public interest journalism and accessible information. This work is more important than ever.”

Ms De Masi will follow outgoing CEO Jim Remedio who expanded and strengthened CAAMA’s remote network of stations during his three-year term.

“I recognise the transformative work of Jim and we have a strong foundation on which to develop a vibrant network and in-depth, in-language reporting out of regional and rural communities.”

Mr Remedio says CAAMA has been an iconic Aboriginal media association for more than 40 years and his focus has been to set a new direction to establish a modern, future-focused, digital, multiplatform media agency.

“In this my second time with CAAMA I would like to thank colleagues and staff, the Board, members, the community and in particular officials at NIAA who worked closely with us through our transitional phase,” he said.

“CAAMA and Alice Springs has been a second home for me and it is sad to leave, but I have seen the Todd River flow four times this time around and they say once you see the river run a few times that you will always be back. This is not goodbye to CAAMA, and the people I have worked with and the friends I have made will always be in my heart forever.”

“Thank you for the opportunity and privilege to once again work for CAAMA,” he said.

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