Battle of the Bits – Star Gippsland

Staff Writer

Last week we started a new semi-regular segment called the 'Battle of the Bits'. 

Basically, if you have a ripper feature, or segment, on your show (ie: a 'bit') that is either new or is a great twist on an older concept, shoot it through to us, and we'll feature it. Might be regular, might be a one-off.

Our first submission was from Ben & Kristie from Star FM Albury – listen to that here – our second Battle of the Bits is below :-

If you have a segment on your show, whatever daypart, that you think is worth sharing – drop Halesy a note here and give him a rundown of the 'bit' and the audio.

This 'bit' comes from the The All Star Breakfast Show at Star 94.3 in Gippsland, Jake and Huw.

Jake Huw

The 'bit' involves Huw springing an A Current Affair style investigation on his co-host Jake. Have a listen :-
or hear it here

Send us your 'bit' here, and leave your comments on this 'bit' below.


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