Apple announce iTunes Radio

Staff Writer

Apple have unveiled iOS7 and also introduced their music streaming service iTunes Radio.

iTunes Radio will feature more than 200 free stations and is supported by ads. The service can be ad-free for $34.99 per year.

It is being compared to Pandora because it will allow listeners to customise their own radio stations by genre, skip songs multiple times, or just tune in to stations.

It will also be able to learn a users music tastes based on what they choose to listen to over time and also on what they buy from the iTunes music store.

iTunes Radio will work on mobile devices running iOS7 and via iTunes on a Mac or Windows computer. There is no information yet on when it will be released in Australia.

Ovum analyst Jan Dawson told the Sydney Morning Herald:

"iTunes Radio as a Pandora clone is a lot less disruptive than a Spotify clone would have been. This is a nice free feature that lots of people will probably try out, but existing Pandora users won't have much reason to switch."

Read more here.

Watch the official video from Apple below :-


Pic: Reuters

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