92.9 FM’s bloody amazing donations to support the Australian Red Cross in Tamworth

With blood donations declining due to winter and the associated seasonal illnesses, 92.9 FM in Tamworth set the community a six week goal to help out Australian Red Cross Life Blood with 929 blood and plasma donations.

By just the second day Tamworth Lifeblood had received 72 donations.

The initial 929 target was surpassed week 5.

By the end of the week 6 the Tamworth community had made an impressive 1084 donations consisting of 226 whole blood and 868 plasma donations, saving a potential 3,200 plus lives.

Lifeblood Group Account Manager – Donor Services, Scott Morrison said during an on-air interview with JB:

I can say with no hesitation and no doubt, it has been an incredible turn up at the donor centre, Smashing our target of 929 out of the park!’

Australia needs over 1.7 million donations every year keep up with demand: that’s three every minute.


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