2GB show Chris Smith the door

In a statement released today, 2GB has announced the termination of Chris Smith’s services due to an incident at the Sky News Christmas party involving Chris. 

It is alleged that Chris delivered a series of lewd comments to a female colleague while intoxicated that left the woman in tears, which then resulted in Chris’ indefinite suspension.

“2GB has today terminated the services of broadcaster Chris Smith,” 2GB wrote in a statement.

“The termination follows the Sky News Christmas party at the weekend, where Chris has conceded his behaviour was unacceptable, ‘apologising profusely’ for his ‘drunken treatment’ of women.”

Nine’s Managing Director of Radio, Tom Malone, said: “Chris’ behaviour represents a serious breach of his contract, and is not aligned with the values of 2GB.”

Chris was due to cover Ben Fordham over the Summer break. 

Since the incident, Chris has checked into a mental health facility seeking assistance with alcohol abuse recovery.

“Nine has provided support to Chris in recent days, and will continue to offer that support as required,” the statement read.

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13 Dec 2022 - 7:29 pm


Juan Sintierra
14 Dec 2022 - 8:24 am

He is always been a bloody wino..I don’t know how could he work on radio and tv…good riddance!!

In The Booth
14 Dec 2022 - 10:09 am

Ok Jason, thanks for that. We’ve got that one in the can. Now for this next take let’s try one that is less manic. Let’s take that caps lock off and really try and look out for glaring spelling errors as we go along, ok? Alright mate. Let’s go again, when you’re ready.

Rita Attard
14 Dec 2022 - 2:17 pm

Chris Smith should have gone years ago there is no room for that conduct in any work place I hope the management do the right thing for the women this time.

Nonames Fortherecord
14 Dec 2022 - 5:29 pm

Why did this take so long?
Why was he continually defended?

    16 Dec 2022 - 3:52 pm

    This comment has been edited.

15 Dec 2022 - 9:20 am

Anyone would have to be better than Chris Smith – Obviously 2GB condoned Smith’s lecherous behaviour by welcoming him back after his last dismissal.

There was something about him i just didn’t like – he thought he was invincible and i did not think he put quality into his show.

Points to 2gb for finally waking up to this creep who had so many excuses for his bad behaviour – no excuses for that sort of repeated behaviour.

15 Dec 2022 - 9:29 am

Last Saturday Michael McLaren put a quality show together – A host that is not boring and listenable with real issues of the day and getting the public to join in.

John Kool
19 Dec 2022 - 8:58 pm

agree that he should have gone long ago but with the radical right that is 2GB and Sky News, is it any wonder that presenters like Smith eventually fall from their Ivory Towers

Janice Eymann
9 Jan 2023 - 12:29 pm

I have listened to 2GB for many years. I choose the hosts I like to listen to and turn the dial with the ones I am wondering why the hell they are there. I am a fan of Michael McClaren. 2GB seem to keep passing him over and when Ben left DRIVE I thought they would choose McClaren… but no, they went with Jim Wilson. Now Wilson has gone I thought…(sigh) but now they have Chris O’Keefe who I think will be good. Michael McClaren is filling in on WEEKENDS but will they keep him on? I hope so. He presents a full show, well produced, intelligent guests, solid debates and we find it really interesting. So… fingers crossed.


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