Where will media trends take us? The ABC’s Futurecast returns for 2024


How will the Australian media landscape look in years to come?

The ABC’s Futurecast conference returns next month, bringing together innovators from the media, creative and tech industries to examine where the latest trends will take us in the future.

Featured guests will explore themes such as how technology is changing storytelling, the dynamic between media and tech companies and how we connect with audiences in the future.

Presented by the ABC Innovation Lab and hosted by ABC National Technology reporter Ange Lavoipierre, Futurecast will be live from ABC Ultimo on August 7 and streamed online free of charge.

Head Digital Content and Innovation Angela Stengel says “We’re bringing back the Futurecast digital conference for another year after starting great conversations with the industry in 2023.”

“There’s no question that the rapid transformation of our industry continues, challenging existing business models, creating new audience behaviours, and opening new opportunities for creatives and storytellers.”

Futurecast will feature an interview with ABC Chair Kim Williams AM about the future direction of the national broadcaster while the opening address will be delivered by ABC Chief Content Officer Chris Oliver-Taylor.

Oliver-Taylor says “Changes in the technology environment will continue to reshape audience trends and competition across platforms and media providers. This dynamic environment offers exciting creative possibilities in the way we tell Australian stories and connect with our audiences but is not without its risks.”

Details on how to register here.

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