SCA release July digital stats

Staff Writer

Southern Cross Austereo have released their digital stats for July which shows a 46% annual growth in online traffic and Triple M having its best month ever.

Director of Digital and Innovation, Clive Dickens says: "These strong results absolutely reflect the strength of the Today and Triple M content strategies. We’ve seen more innovative and engaging from both of these networks than ever before, and our communities of users, fans and listeners have responded accordingly.

"The Today Network has seen a 53% YOY increase in traffic in July, and Triple M has had a lift of 24% – we’re not only commanding a very share of voice in the online space, we’re continuing to grow it."

Commenting on social media, Dickens says "it has absolutely changed the way we think about online. We know social and online go hand in hand, so for us, it’s absolutely essential to ensure that our social strategies are well aligned with our online plans. Our continued digital growth is a testament to the fact that we’re hitting the mark in this space, and we’ve got the right people and plans in place to grow our traffic and share even further in 2013."

See all the figures in their preso below :-

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