5 Essentials for Year 5
When Radio Today launched in 2012, my first article was about the 5 Essentials for radio brand growth for the following 5 years  So here we are in 2016, year 5 already (!), time to review ...
Anyone for tennis?
 We’re at the business end of the Australian tennis open, I spent most of yesterday on the court with my beloved Donnay wooden racquet, my Dunlop volleys and matching Yonnex shorts and ...
Who would you pick first?
One of the most exciting projects a radio nerd can be involved in is building a station from scratch. Having launched a couple of brand new stations over the years, the memories from those ...
What’s App in news?
The radio news landscape is very different to just a few years ago.  Newsrooms have contracted and bulletins networked, leaving journalists to work smarter.