Survey 8 ‘Ups and Downs’
Who went up and who went down in today's Survey 8 ? We take a look across the country and across the networks to see the topline analysis. It's worth keeping in mind that a network can drop share ...
Learning and Reading
I have to confess two things: 1. I love to read and enjoy learning about people, their stories and improving my skills 2. I’m a HUGE fan of US sales trainers Jeffrey Gitomer and Zig Ziglar ...
Sydney in 2014. Intriguing.
The news that everyone had expected was confirmed last week with ARN announcing that Kyle & Jackie O will join the soon to be renamed, and reformatted, Mix 106.5. It is clear from the sizzle ...
Ask ARN’s Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell is the National Content Director for ARN and is the man responsible for making the most of the opportunity in the Sydney market to grab Kyle & Jackie O when the moment ...
The Power of Regional Radio
I get a lot of emails and calls from people working in regional radio. Some wanting career advice and some who are scared s*****ss they will never progress beyond their current market. Regional ...