Dirk Anthony

Being authentic
Stephen Nolan, from BBC Local Radio Northern Ireland, has presented at Radio Days Europe overnight Aust/NZ time.He’s a talk show host with something to say about being authentic in order to ...
RDE: 30 ideas in 45 minutes
One of the final sessions on the second day of the Radio Days Europe conference was, in my view, one of the most valuable.The concept was to offer 30 ideas in a 45-minute session, and the rules ...
Managing the Change
Radio is in its greatest ever period of change.Over the years there has been plenty of arguments from the commercial sector for the BBC to “get their tanks off our lawn”. However ...
RDE ‘brands are important’
It would be fair to say that with 1300 delegates, 55 sessions and 100 speakers all representing 60 countries, the 2014 RadioDays Europe is one of, if not, the pre-eminent Radio Conferences in the ...
Irelands top PD’s at Radio Days
Dublin has a population about the size of Brisbane with a competitive culture equal to the worlds major radio markets.I was about to say London, Sydney or New York but in some ways it’s ...