Radio Show Creates Local, National and International Buzz – By Being Bold

Matt, Jeremy & Laura are high profile air personalities on Radio Hauraki. Their Auckland-based breakfast show is heard in 14 markets throughout New Zealand.

Targeting a primarily male audience, the show is an edgy, irreverent, engaging show on a rock music station.

When they had the opportunity to interview New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key, they could choose to be just another media outlet asking questions of a politician. Or, they could use it as an opportunity to insert themselves into the conversation and create buzz for their show.

They chose to create buzz.

They had the boldness to be themselves. They’re comfortable with who they are.

They also understand that if they’re going to stand out from everyone else interviewing a political figure, they must do something unexpected. Something that’s never been done before.

And they did it.

First a bit of background: One of the show’s benchmarks is to ask questions of a guest, using the catch phrase, “Thank You For Being Honest”. They ask celebrities questions that are best described as, well, embarrassing.

To get a feel for the benchmark, here’s how they they teased the PM’s appearance by playing a previous guest appearance with Russell Brand:

And here’s the magic the show created with the PM:

This was interesting. And it became newsworthy. The segment made it on Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

Soon, it was picked up internationally by Huffington Post, BBC’s Daily Politics show and more.

Then, John Key is questioned about his appearance on the radio show during his briefing to Parliament, spreading the show’s influence even further across all of New Zealand:

This talented show created publicity for their show and their personal brands through courage. They took a risk by insisting the guest conform to their show, rather than change their personality/show and be like everyone else.

This interview was worthwhile!

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