Peter Dutton exposes Erin Molan live on air
2DayFM’s Erin Molan of Hughesy, Ed and Erin was exposed live on air by opposition leader Peter Dutton as she celebrated her birthday last week.
Mr Dutton sent in cupcakes as a gift for Erin and left a surprise message to be played for her later.
The opposition leader and ex-police Sargent called the station asking for information about a particular Brisbane cold case.
The open investigation involved a 16-year-old girl who was believed to have been using her older sister’s ID to sneak into clubs illegally.
After wishing Erin a happy birthday, Mr Dutton’s message said, “There is one thing that I wanted you to clear up, maybe on your birthday.”
“It happened back in 2000 when you were sixteen and living up in Brisbane, and there was a case at the time of a sixteen-year-old who was running around with an ID stolen from her older sister, being passed around with her friends and used to get into nightclubs illegally, including on Caxton Street.”
Erin who was caught by surprise started to sweat.
“I don’t know if you can assist the police with their enquiries, but it is an open case and I know your deeply embarrassed parents were approached by the police at the time,” said Mr Dutton.
“If there’s anything you can tell us – maybe even on air – about your activities, I think everyone would be happy to hear it.”
Much to the amusement of her co-hosts, Erin appeared to be gobsmacked, asking, “is nothing sacred? Who told him that?”
“OK! It was me. I was young!”
The joke quickly turned into a full confession.
“How I got to that nightclub illegally as a sixteen-year-old, I rolled our car down the driveway, didn’t turn the engine on so mum wouldn’t hear – without my car licence – then picked up the daughter of a brigadier who was fifteen at the time and then we went in,” said Erin.
Hughesy quickly ushered them into a break.
“There’s your inspiration to all the young women of Sydney right there,” said Hughesy.