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BY Scott Mayman November 3, 2023
Fun Stuff May 27, 2014
Dan & Maz’s boring pet spotted
The Dan and Maz Show has adopted possibly the most boring pet EVER.
A few weeks ago, the national Southern Cross Austereo drive show asked listeners to help them choose an animal and a name.
They came up with a tarantula and named it Nikki Webster.
The only problem is tarantulas are pretty boring and like to hide.
Thankfully a listener named Natasha captured a screenshot of Nikki from the live stream of her newly-installed webcam.
You can check out the 24/7 live stream (which has a soundtrack featuring music from her namesake) here.
Dan and Maz’s hairy, eight-legged friend also had a Twitter account (and a sense of humour from the sound of her tweets).
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Fun Stuff
BY Scott Mayman November 2, 2023